We have created a protocol which complies with all the Government’s Covid-19 secure guidelines and is based on our specific risk assessment
We share the output with all our staff and customers through this and other information including our “Covid-19 Summary Notice” which can be found on the front of our website
- Staff must not come to work if they, or anyone in their household, has symptoms of Covid-19.
- Anyone in, or living with someone in, a high-risk group should not return to work
- Any staff using public transport must wear a face covering during their trip
- All staff are invited to discuss any wellbeing / mental health concerns
- Training for staff on all Covid-19 aspects is being provided on an ongoing basis
- Staff should work back-to-back or side-to-side wherever possible if 1m+ distancing is not possible
- Staff should work in unchanging teams where possible
Hygiene at The Black Swan
- All staff must wash their hands on arrival, between tasks, and on departure
- Alcohol sanitisers (min 60%) will be provided to augment handwashing procedures for both customers and staff
- Customers will be invited to leave their contact details for test and trace
- A one-way plan with social distancing of one metre plus has been developed for customers and and staff. It will include physical barriers, advice and directional signage.
- Doors and windows will be kept open as much as is practicable
- Staff and customers should maintain maximum physical distance where possible (minimum of 1m+) and/or use other protection measures
- All high throughput areas (eg bar tops, tables, chairs, counters, tills, card machines, telephones, door handles etc) will be subject to intensive and frequent disinfection
- The back office is off limits to all except the duty manager and will be kept locked
- Cleaning and services cupboards are off limits to all except cleaning staff
- Uniforms, clothing (and any PPE which we will supply) must be washed after every shift at a minimum 60degC
- All ventilation systems have been tested and adjusted for maximum effectiveness
- If you have to sneeze or cough please do so only into a disposable tissue, and put it directly into a receptacle. Handwash / sanitise immediately thereafter
All staff must:
- Utilise disinfectants and wash their hands between tasks
- Maintain social distancing as much as possible, especially in cold and dry stores, toilets, changing areas etc; minimise interaction with all staff on duty
- Avoid handwashing of glassware, crockery and cutlery where possible; use gloves and correct detergent if unavoidable; ensure thorough rinsing at 60degC plus
- Change cloths and sponges on a very regular basis
- Change uniforms and wash them daily at 60degC
- Ensure menu is designed to enhance safety / hygiene / social distancing
- Alert the duty manager if a Covid-19 case is suspected
Lounge Bar
- Staff must be aware of and ensure customers are aware of our “bespoke” lounge bar service plan, which avoids “pinch points” as much as practicable
- Customers will be advised of those requirements by suitably displayed notices
- Sanitisers will be available at entrance doors, toilets and on bars – customers and staff are to use them frequently and on entry and exit
- Queues are to be avoided and the building not overfilled
- No customer is to be admitted if showing any symptom of Covid-19
- A minimum distance from the bar servery will be maintained and Perspex screens have been erected
- Toilet facilities are to be used only singly; enhanced cleaning will be effected
- Staff should collect empty glasses and customers should not sit at the bar
- All surfaces are to be regularly washed and sanitised, particularly frequent touchpoint areas such as toilets, washbasins, door handles, pdq machines, information boards
- Contactless payment is to be encouraged
- For hygiene and for test and trace purposes, ordering will be online or by telephone as much as possible
- Customers are to be advised of social distancing hygiene requirements by notice; they should not enter if they have symptoms of Covid-19
- “Pinch points” will be avoided by our bespoke plan
- Adequate table separation is to be maintained at one metre plus
- All customer contact with napkins, menus, condiments etc is to be minimised and thorough cleaning of all items is to be effected before and after use
- Social distancing will be maintained by staff serving at tables and with the use of trolleys for delivery of food, cutlery and condiments
- Contactless payment is to be encouraged
- For hygiene and test and trace purposes, ordering will be online or by telephone as much as possible
- Customers are to be advised by phone and email of social distancing / hygiene requirements. The maximum gathering by law is 30. Two households of any number may gather and in addition, outside, any number of households up to a maximum of six people may meet
- “Pinchpoints” are to be avoided by our table spacing policy and limiting numbers
- Contactless payment is to be encouraged
- For hygiene and test and trace purposes, ordering will be online or by telephone as much as possible
Take-away services
- Handwash / sanitise all surfaces, menus etc very frequently
- Stagger arrival and departure times of customers and minimise interaction time
- Use physical barriers to separate customers and staff to effect social distancing
- Follow government guidance on food preparation and food service areas
- Minimise access to kitchen / pantry / freezers etc
- Provide social distancing guidance to customers
- Contactless payment is to be encouraged
- For hygiene and for test and trace purposes, ordering will be online or by telephone as much as possible
- Minimise social distancing
- Encourage hand washing / sanitising
- Avoid signing delivery notes if possible
- Handwashing / sanitising on each entry and exit; only a single staff member per shift to access the cellar
Outdoor Areas
- Tables to be spaced at minimum one metre plus distances. Staff will patrol regularly to ensure larger groups do not form
- Tables and chairs to be regularly sanitised
- Staff and customers to handwash / sanitise regularly, between tasks, and on entry and exit
- Bookings to be taken only in accordance with the protocol and the usual records made
- Maintain social distancing on arrival – guests to go unaccompanied to their room
- Advise guests that food in room can be served on a contact free basis (both dinner and breakfast) if required
- Guests to handwash / use sanitiser regularly, and on arrival and exit
- Room to be sanitised before arrival
- Laundry to be placed directly into collection bags
- Key to be left in room on arrival and checkout
- Key to be sanitised as part of room clean; thorough sanitising to be carried out in addition to the normal deep clean
- Contactless payment is to be encouraged
- For hygiene and test and trace purposes, ordering will be online or by telephone as much as possible
- Use common sense. Maximise distancing but deal as needs be with the emergency incident